User account

Welcome to NOTAMINFO

While you can use NOTAMINFO without an account, setting up an account will let you specify a local area of interest, allow you to receive emails, and set up the maps the way you want. It will also let you set up a home country other than the UK.

Email registration

There are a large number of spammers around, who try to use this site to boost search engine ratings by posting pages of links. To defeat them, I now require you to reply to an email sent at registration time. If you don't respond to this email within 7 days, I will delete your account. Sorry about that, but you can always create a new account, and do it properly next time...

Account information
Spaces are allowed; punctuation is not allowed except for periods, hyphens, and underscores.
A valid e-mail address. All e-mails from the system will be sent to this address. The e-mail address is not made public and will only be used if you wish to receive a new password or wish to receive certain news or notifications by e-mail.
Email Settings
Select your email option above. Please note that to receive an email for NOTAMs in your area, you MUST set your area up in the 'Set up Maps and Feeds' section. If you don't, there is no way of knowing which NOTAMS apply to you.
Select the time of delivery of your email each day If no time is specified, NO MAIL WILL BE SENT!
Send your email in HTML format
NOTAM/Map Settings
Select the country of interest
Tick this box to show today's NOTAMs on all maps and lists, instead of the week ahead. (Ticked or not, all the maps and lists will still let you show the entire week).
Select here the maximum flight level for which you want to see NOTAMS. eg if you never go above Flight Level 55, then select 'FL55/5500ALT'. All NOTAMs with the lower limit above FL55 will then be ignored.
Tick this box if you want to include night operations, ie those between the hours of sunset and sunrise.
Tick this box if you want to include en-route NOTAMS in your maps and RSS feeds
Tick this box if you want to include aerodrome NOTAMS in your maps and RSS feeds
Show the airspace on the maps by default
If you tick this box, you will be able to show hang gliding and paragliding sites as an option on the national map, and you will see them as a fixed feature on your local map.
Tck this box to show microlight airfields on maps and Google Earth files. (Airfields have been extracted from the CAA's ENR5.5 publication)
Show balloon launching sites
Show parachute drop zones
Show paramotoring sites
If you tick this box, you will be able to show gliding sites and wave windows as an option on the national map, and you will see them as a fixed feature on your local map.
Tick this box to show GA, commercial, and other airfields on the maps
Select here how you want latitude and longitude displayed.
This question is to prove that you are a human visitor, and not an automated spam bot:
11 + 1 =
Solve this simple math problem and enter the result. E.g. for 1+3, enter 4.